Monday, January 8, 2007

Hey ! I kept myself very coooooool today!

Today & yesterday as well , I had decided to maintain my cool , 2-3 days back ,I had lost my temper on some very minute occassions . So stupid of me ! But daily morning , I am reducing my thoughts to my dear diary.

It's done during morning , when after a deep deep sleep , our minds are empty & fully ready to face this world with chin up. I am observing - if we do not let our negative emotions be carried during the whole day with alert mind , we tend to act - as to what best can I do in a problematic situation.

See - any incidence - when it happens - causes something inside us. It may be good feeling Or Bad feeling. The incidence by itself does not matter much , but the reaction we offer to it. See- any damn thing , which is happening in our lives prompts us to do something about it. If whatever we do to it , is right the consequence will be towards a solution OR getting ahead. But if we react emotionally , the consequence may not be towards getting ahead. Simply - let us not react to the situations emotionally.

Instead try to gain some time to react. May be an hour , may be a day or two. But never try to dig answers instantaneously to a fatal challenge. The answers will come automatically from your subconcious , may be when you are playing with your kid , going out for a walk or so on.

Try this.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...