Monday, December 21, 2009

The Secret & Obstacles

I had written sometime back on "The secret "

The film & the book shows the way to manifest your will in the physical world.

I have been practicing the techniques taught by them. Working , if you show full faith.

What's the harm / obstacle in this ? But , there are some.

What I have experienced is :-

I go on visualising some goal achieved : Say Having my dream home. I see myself as if I am residing & living my daily life in that home . That Garden , those beautiful rooms , everything in details. It surely changes my mood , and makes me happy , on a Feel Good Track.

But the mood does not remain consistantly.My mind starts to doubt. It says :-

" Hello , don't day-dream " Or " See dear , "Take jump in limits".

This is CONDITIONING. This again confuses me , and the result is - A mixed doubtful frequency signals are sent to universe and results are the same.

But why does it happen ?

There are many emotions like Anger , Love , Sadness , Anxiety ...

We are many-a-times driven by those emotions. But do not express them because of social bindings. Emotion , basically a form of energy , remains trapped inside.

That causes the brake & works as an obstacle in the manifestation of our will .

But fortunately , there are many ways , to cleanse our minds.

EFT is such a technique. In next post I shall elaborate on this simple , but very very effective technique.

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